If you ever want to see the Northern spirit of the Prince George community radiate in its true form, look no further than its concrete jungles. No matter your age, if you have a love for BMXs, you will always feel at home when you show up at either of PG’s finest all wheel parks.
The all-ages BMX crew at the “OG Bike Jam” May 2019; Hart Park.
The people
Here in the North, we are known for our snow, but in true Northern spirit, you will find the BMX community digging out parks to ensure the longest ride season possible. Starting as early as March, the crew gets to work and starts getting in those early season rides.
Members of the BMX crew getting the Hart Park ready for the season.
Young children, teenagers and even OGs (aka Old Guys or the Approaching / Over 30 BMX crowd) are always found riding in Prince George. One of the great things about the PG scene is that you’ll often find that the older crew is readily looking out for the younger ones, showing them new tricks, helping them fix bikes, and pumping up a tire or two. Someone always has a pump or part (and even a band-aid) if you forgot yours.
Andy, son of Trevor Oliver (IG: @bmxdad89), getting ready to ride!
The parks
Rotary Skate Park aka. “Downtown Park”
The original skate and bike park located in the heart of Prince George’s recreation center, this park is complete with stairs, rails, quarters, table tops and a bowl. This park has something for everyone, whether you ride, board or scoot.
Jordan Rasmussen (IG: @jrasmussenbmx) riding at Downtown Park.
Corporal Darren Fitzpatrick Community Park aka. “Hart Park”
With the bigger of the two bowls found in Prince George, the Hart Park is the place for big air. Complete with a skate plaza, this park is always busy with excellent riders.
Colby Burns (IG: @cburns87) getting air in the Hart bowl.
Re/Max Adventure Park – Coming soon!!
In partnership with the Blackburn Community Association, and main corporate sponsor, the Re/Max Adventure Park is getting ready to get rolling. Prince George community spirit really shines when you see all the hard work making this all-wheels adventure park a reality.

Prince George locals getting together to support the new development of the all-wheels adventure park, which will be located at the Blackburn Community Association.
Moving Up
Byron Kitt (IG: @adayinthelifeofthisguy) came to Prince George from the Lower Mainland to do a few construction jobs. Bringing his tools and, of course, his bike, he got to work and play. Knowing no one at the time, he showed up at Downtown Park and instantly found himself surrounded by a bike community that solidified his decision to call Prince George his home.
Byron Kitt (IG: @adayinthelifeofthisguy) riding at Downtown Park.
The shop
And no bike community would be complete without the support from a local bike shop, and here in Prince George, Koops Bike Shop has the BMX community covered. Local family owned and thriving here in the North, Koops has been supporting the BMX community since its unveiling back in the late 70s. Marianne Koops and PG’s BMX headquarters are “extremely grateful for the vast amount of BMX riders in Prince George and the outlying area”.
Prince George has plenty to offer for bikes of all kinds, so if you prefer dirt to concrete, you can check out Pidherny Recreation Site or Otway Nordic Site for some epic northern single track riding. Regardless of your riding style, Prince George is a great place to drop in (and stay a while) with any bike!